We are in the part of our homeschool journey known as deschooling. This basically means that we are taking a break from formal learning and decompressing from the school life we once knew.
What this looks like for us is tons of reading along with crafts and outdoor fun and exercise. Today we are talking books. What are they reading? What am I reading? Bella is a natural bookworm and loves to read any chance she gets. She loves, action, adventure and science fiction. At 9 years old, she is reading at a 6th grade level. Anna who is 7, is starting to do some independent reading in her free time (we’ll get to how soon). She has struggled with it for a couple of years and we weren’t sure why. #homeschoolexploration
I love to read but have scheduled any consistent reading time since having kids. Since the coronavirus “safer-at-home” began, I have been making it a priority to read at least a chapter of a book each night before bed. I decided that I would love to read some series with my two oldest girls and also find a few books that are good for me and my soul during this time.
Bella is currently reading 3 different series: Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia and the Time Quintet. She picks a book from one of the series and reads it before switching to the next book. For her it’s about reading the books she loves but not necessarily one series at a time. When Bella was in first and second grade, she really into The Magic Treehouse series which is also a great introduction to chapter books and full of history and adventure. If you are not sure where to start with your kids, try having them read it or you could start reading one of them together a chapter at a time.
Anna had a really hard time reading independently in public school. Since starting homeschooling earlier this year, we found that she is able to read above grade level, and was simply bored with the typical chapter books available in her classroom. She really has a love for illustrated books. We went to the library several times so she could search for books that interested her and they were all the same until she found her gold! She has been reading lots of comics and has been obsessed with Scooby Doo Team Up, Captain Underpants, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, and Kitten Construction Company. These are all chapter books but in an easy to read, and heavily illustrated comic book format.
I have been reading the same three series along with Bella and have been trying to find something new for myself. I recently stumbled across a past favorite author, Stephanie Meyer. She is finally releasing Midnight Sun which is a companion of the Twilight Saga but it is book number one told from the eyes of Edward. Amazon is now offering pre-order for an August 2020 release! I can’t wait to get my copy. I also have a couple more books to read. I have started two already, Love Lives Here by Maria Goff, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, and Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money. I’ll try to post some reviews once I finish the books!
I hope we have inspired you to pick up a book and start reading!